Remote, Preliminary Property Vetting for Cannabis
Before you buy or lease or decide to plunge into licensed cannabis on any property, be sure to get have the pros’ perspective. This remote review will cover compliance with the local ordinance and state regulations as well as the practical, real-world issues that may hamper any application or use.
Whether you own a parcel already or are looking at acquiring or leasing some property for cannabis, there are many hurdles that must be cleared before you should pull the trigger.
In advance of the much deeper studies, such as Biological and for the Water Board’s satisfaction, which are NOT INCLUDED in this package, our BGL experts can remotely access details of a given property from a wide variety of publicly available resources and compare your planned use to both the local ordinances and state regulations for preliminary compliance. Additionally, we’ll provide our insight as to the likelihood and severity of political pushback during your application and local approvals, especially in front of the planning commission.
You should not make any binding decisions based on this level of research but it’s a great and quick view of any parcel.