Fantastic opportunity with a very fair organization that cuts your time to market in half or more. With less than you need to start a small grow, you’ll be partners in a much larger venture, and get security and expertise. To get their State-licensed cultivation, distribution & small manufacturing microbusiness open and cash flowing, our client needs $2.1 total, which covers rehab ($1.7M) and start up opex ($400k). These funds can be in the form of loan, equity, line of credit used to pay subs and for equipment, or a combination. Included property worth at least $2.5M now, $4.5M+ (excluding cannabis use) after the combination of two buildings and creation of an additional 2k sq ft. which has been permitted. Owners are open to active or silent partners, security in the building and company assets are available, including the option of taking out the $1.3M first and/or $1M second positions. Harvests will be in Spring/Summer 2022, distro open prior. Great access to LA and SoCal markets.