Access our free
Compliance System

Start or expand your compliance capabilities with our free course.

Compliance System Concepts

Learn from the pros how to develop a compliance system that actually works and improves your business.

Preparing Your Compliance Strategy

Follow along as we guide you through the process of creating your own compliance strategy

Developing Your Own SOPs

Learn how to develop standard operating procedures based on your compliance strategy and our methodology.

Prepare Your Own Training Program

Expand on the training plan you prepared as part of developing your compliance strategy to implement training and evaluation for your employees that produces results.

Evaluation & Corrective Action Management

Once your compliance system is built, your job just getting started. Learn how to methodically direct your team, collect data, and use reports to identify weak points in your business and take corrective actions to continually improve.

What investor clients are saying

Cookies Modesto simply doesn’t exist right now without the team from BeGreenLegal. Their talents were vital to us winning one of the city’s permits and then their strategic vision helped us join forces with the leading brand in the industry. The BGL team simply does it all.

Founder of Cookies Modesto
Winner of merit-based permit process

We came to BeGreenLegal with less than 15 days to hit a deadline for our Manufacturing and Distro business. They immediately jumped into action, revised our premises diagram to comply with state regs and wrote up an amazing application for us. Their team is so well synchronized and a pleasure to work with.

Nevada City Multi-License Operators & Industry Vet


Quickly determine your business type structure and important SOPs

Each cannabis business type is unique and requires its own approach to compliance and operations management. Learn what to focus on for your business so you streamline your efforts and maximize the benefits of a compliance system.

Avoid expensive and timely pitfalls by investing in your team

Too many businesses fail because business development was not a priority when needed most. Learn how conducting a risk assessment for your business can help identify potential issues, and identify the right SOPs and training.

Get valuable insights that help you improve your business

No business is static and if you’re not continuously improving, chances are you’re slowly eroding your ability to effectively operate and make a profit. Learn how to apply performance metrics for SOPs to help fix issues before they arise.


BeGreenLegal is a full service cannabis agency helping investors build profitable businesses.

We transform your cannabis business idea into a profitable and scalable operation. The cannabis industry is full of opportunity but also rife with red tape and a maze of constantly changing regulations. Our team of experts consists of consultants, real estate agents, GIS specialists, and biologists who are equipped to help you overcome any obstacles you may encounter and help you achieve your business goals whether you are applying for a license, already operating, looking for investment opportunities, or own cannabis property.