Investment & Profit Analysis
Are you interested in knowing how much money you need to invest and will profit from your business? Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned investor or operator, our investment and profit analysis will help you better understand the assumptions you need to make and how those decisions will impact your financial success.
This package can be completed on its own, but requires that you have determined your business type and provides much more insight when combined with our other analysis packages covering Licensing, Marketing, and Property Suitability. If you are unsure about your business type, our Operator Analysis provides an overview of all the license types as well as our recommendations after we have analyzed your situation.
Our Investment and Profit Analysis is designed
to answer the following questions:
- How much do I need to invest?
- How long will it take to be operational?
- How much can I make?
- What are my costs?
- How much can I expect in profit and when?
- How much should I expect to pay in taxes?
- How much money should I spend on marketing and other overhead?
Our Process
Our Licensing Analysis involves the following steps:
Complete Intake Questionnaire
Our team will start our analysis by first collaborating with you to complete a questionnaire that identifies your investment and profit goals.
Identify Project Assumptions
Our team will then identify the assumptions we will use to calculate your financial estimates, including products and services, associated costs and market prices, overhead costs, payroll, and taxes. If a market analysis has been completed, we will incorporate those values as well.
Calculate Investment and Profit Estimates
Our team will then conduct our analysis in which we review each of the selected cities, counties, or states selected according to the identified search criteria. This analysis is completed through GIIS mapping and a review of all pertinent regulations.
Prepare Report
We will prepare a report that compiles our research and assumptions and provides our findings and recommendations.
Discuss Recommendations
Our strategists will finally meet with you and discuss our recommendations. Additionally the analysis can be updated at any time in the future when more information is available that may refine the project assumptions.
How You Benefit
Our Investment and Profit Analysis is designed to work with our other analysis packages to help you fully understand your opportunity, as understanding sales and profit can only happen with accurate market research, property information, licensing requirements, and other factors. If you are still interested in pursuing your ideas after completing this step, we can help you with the next steps:
• Analysis Package
• Licensing Analysis
• Marketing Analysis
• Property Hunting List Analysis
• Property Suitability Analysis
• Business Acquisition Analysis
• Compliance Analysis
• Operations Analysis
Once you are comfortable moving forward, our team can help you implement a full solution to realize your goals. Our clients typically move on to the following steps:
• Due Diligence
• Review and Advice
• Project Assessment
• Business & Operations Planning
• Facility Design
• Business Deck
• Branding
• Licensing
• Local Development Permit
• Local Operator Permit
• State Licenses
• Operations
• Compliance Management
• Operations Management